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Our Mission

Our mission is to help students find their voice and tell their stories in authentic and powerful ways.

Our Vision

Our vision is to empower youth to live an all-in life by cultivating creativity, courage, and character. An all-in life is shaped by excellence, fueled by passion, and driven by dreams to change the world.

Our Values

1. We celebrate students.

We love helping students discover their unique why’s and their purpose in life. We love and empower students to their full potential. We believe that their stories are worth telling.

2. Creativity is a requirement.

We cultivate originality by encouraging students to think outside the box, incorporate elements of surprise, and lean into specifics.

3. Integrity is a non-negotiable.

We reject obfuscation and purposeful misdirection of the truth. We help students tell the best story possible by remaining true to themselves. In our quest for integrity and excellence, we are honest in our feedback to students.

4. We embrace the nuance.

People are complicated, and that’s okay. We don’t believe in flattening students’ story for digestibility’s sake. We don’t shy away from the messiness or the blood, sweat, and tears of life.

5. Family is key.

College application season is often a time to reconnect with parents/guardians and reflect on the childhood journey. We encourage growth in self-understanding and healing through conversations with family.

6. Excellence > Perfectionism.

There is no such thing as an “Ivy”-worthy essay; officers look at students holistically. We value excellence—achieving your personal best—without sacrificing things like health or family relationships. We go all-in. We’re strategic: we work hard, and we work smart. Journey > destination. 

7. We never operate out of fear.

Comparison kills joy and originality. We foster courage by embracing authentic voices and stories. We fight against a mentality of insecurity and lack.

8. We empower students.

“If you babysit the youths, you will get babies. If you lead the youths, you will have leaders!” - Pastor Cecilia Chan. We don’t serve fish on a silver platter; we teach students how to fish: how to think, write, and do. We build up resilient, persistent self-starters who will succeed wherever they go.

©2023 by Cassandra Hsiao. Proudly created with

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